Opening times for Avondale Family Health during Level 1

Please phone the clinic on 09-820-0065 before coming to see us. DO NOT just enter the clinic.

Our opening hours are now back to normal: Mon-Fri 8am-7pm  |  Sat & Sun 9am-2pm

In addition to seeing you in the clinic, we are continuing to do PHONE CONSULTATIONS if we can treat you without you needing to come in. Phone Appointments are available.

NOTE: If you have travelled overseas or been in contact with someone who has AND/OR have flu symptoms including: Cough, Fever, Difficulty breathing & Sore throat please call the dedicated Covid-19 Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice.


We have Flu vaccines available now, free for over 65+ and patients with certain chronic conditions. $20 for non-funded enrolled patients.