Get to know the phenomenal health benefits associated with acupuncture now.

Acupuncture is a type of therapy involving the placement of tiny, hair-thin needles into certain pressure points on the body to relieve a variety of conditions. Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of traditional Chinese medicine, dating back to at least 100 BC. While acupuncture is accepted as a form of medicine in many parts of the world, the jury is still out in the West. Nonetheless, millions of individuals each year find acupuncture to provide relief for a surprisingly broad range of symptoms.


Can Ease Chronic Pain

Acupuncturists claim there is a form of life-giving energy called qi circulates within the body, traveling through lines called meridians. Placing acupuncture needles into certain points along these meridians can release blocked qi, which is a source of pain. Several studies over the past decade have found acupuncture can relieve some forms of chronic pain that affect the neck and back, but of course, some Western doctors have claimed this merely the placebo effect.

Continue reading to uncover more amazing health benefits closely linked to receiving acupuncture now.


Can relieve the side effects of Chemotherapy

Cancer patients often turn to alternative forms of medicine and therapy when Western medicine fails to cure their cancer or relieve the side effects of their treatments. Chemotherapy, one of the most common cancer treatments, involves bombarding the body with a cocktail of toxins, poisons, and even radioactive substances in an attempt to kill tumors. Chemotherapy often causes nausea and loss of appetite in patients, resulting in weight loss and reduced rates of healing. Acupuncture was found in several clinical trials to help relieve these symptoms and allow individuals to regain their appetites after chemotherapy, but, more data is needed before Western doctors confirm these results.


Can help with Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is a fact of women’s lives, but that doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable. The hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, and fatigue can make menopausal years quite difficult for many women, and conventional forms of Western medicine do little to relieve these symptoms. Thus, many women turn to acupuncture to help lessen the severity of menopause symptoms. Several recent trials have found acupuncture can ease the severity and frequency of hot flashes for up to three months after treatment.


Can help with Menstrual Cramps

Menopause is a fact of women’s lives, but that doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable. The hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, and fatigue can make menopausal years quite difficult for many women, and conventional forms of Western medicine do little to relieve these symptoms. Thus, many women turn to acupuncture to help lessen the severity of menopause symptoms. Several recent trials have found acupuncture can ease the severity and frequency of hot flashes for up to three months after treatment.


Can improve your mood

The philosophy behind acupuncture revolves around the restoration of one’s qi or life energy. Blockages of qi can not only create physical symptoms such as pain or illnesses, acupuncturists believe, but also lead to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or even mental illnesses. Many acupuncturists claim weekly acupuncture sessions can relieve the symptoms of depression or anxiety for months, with results comparable to those associated with counseling. A few clinical trials have found similar results, claiming the near-imperceptible pain caused by acupuncture likely triggers the release of endorphins and other neurotransmitters.