As the Government’s advisor for health and disability, the Ministry is charged with setting the direction for Māori health and guiding the sector as we work to increase access, achieve equity and improve outcomes for Māori.

The Ministry of Health is making changes to improve performance in a number of areas, including:

  • improving outcomes for Māori and achieving health equity
  • a stronger focus on equity and evidence-based action
  • embedding the improvement of Māori health across the organisation.

As part of this process, the functions of Te Kete Hauora, (the Ministry’s former Māori health business unit) have been integrated across the Ministry’s new business units. One of the drivers for this change was to boost the whole Ministry’s capability and capacity to address Māori health inequities.

Māori Leadership is a new executive role and is responsible for driving the Ministry’s goal of improving Māori health outcomes and achieving Māori health equity across the Ministry. All policy advice, research and programme functions of Te Kete Hauora continue to be delivered.



He Korowai Oranga: Māori Health Strategy

He Korowai Oranga, the Māori Health Strategy, affirmed in the New Zealand Health Strategy, sets the overarching framework to guide the government and health and disability sector to achieve the best health outcomes for Mâori. The overarching aim of He Korowai Oranga is Pae Ora – healthy futures.

He Korowai Oranga outlines the Government’s vision for Māori health; pae ora (healthy futures), mauri ora (healthy individuals), whānau ora (healthy families), and wai ora (healthy environments).

Find out more about He Korowai Oranga.


Wai 2575 Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry

Initiated in November 2016, the Waitangi Tribunal Health Services and Outcomes Inquiry (Wai 2575) will hear all claims concerning grievances relating to health services and outcomes of national significance.

As of June 2018, there are currently around 198 claims seeking to participate in the inquiry. The claims are historical and contemporary covering a range of issues relating to the health system, specific health services and outcomes, including health equity, primary care, disability services and Māori health providers.

Find out more about the inquiry.

In this section

Information on He Korowai Oranga: Māori Health Strategy, which sets out Māori health objectives, and how these objectives are being implemented. Read more

Latest information and updates about the Māori Health Action Plan. Read more

Initiated in November 2016, the Waitangi Tribunal Health Services and Outcomes Inquiry (Wai 2575) will hear all claims concerning grievances relating to health services and outcomes of national significance.  Read more

Find out about the Māori Provider Development Scheme, the Māori Health Innovation Fund and accessing the Māori health provider directory. Read more

Hauora Māori Scholarships provide financial assistance to students and health care workers who are undertaking an accredited course or training in health and disability studies. Read more

The Māori philosophy towards health is based on a wellness or holistic health model. This page describes 3 models of Māori health. Read more

This page provides Māori health plans, DHB Māori health profiles and DHB Māori health profile summaries for all DHBs. Read more

The National Kaitiaki Group ensures protection of Māori women’s cervical screening data.  Read more

Rongoā Māori is informed by a body of knowledge that has as its core the enhancement of Māori wellbeing. In this way, rongoā Māori differs from a Western medical paradigm, whose focus is principally the absence of health and wellbeing and treatments/interventions to return to a state of health. Read more

Statistics presenting a snapshot of Māori health in the early 2010s. Read more

Whānau Ora is a cross-government work programme that places families/whānau at the centre of service delivery. Read more

In this section you can read case studies and stories of how the Government and health sector are working to achieve the best health outcomes for Māori. Read more

Ministry publications on Māori health. Read more

Links to related Māori health websites. Read more